As most Jewish parents know, Jewish Day Schools are expensive. And as a single mother, I have not been able to afford to send LO to one although I have never given up hope.
Florida is well-known for having some of the worst public schools. The saving grace for us is that my company has what is called a "satellite school" which is technically a public school but only children of the people who work for my company can attend. This makes for much smaller class sizes and allows for much more personal attention from teachers for the children. Ok, so it's no Jewish Day School but it has worked well for LO so far.
Snacks are provided for the children in the afternoon. Being the Kosher Police, LO is always checking for hechsherim but since the Pesach "rules" are a little different I made sure she knew that she should only eat what I had packed her in her lunchbox and nothing else.
When I picked her up from school I asked her what she had for snack. She told me that she had eaten the apple I packed her and then she said, "Mama! They had BAGELS for snack! Can you believe it?" How's that for chutzpah? No, I couldn't believe it.
Now where is that application for the Jewish day school? Maybe I should take out a second mortgage.
I feel your pain. Day school tuition is rough.
I hear you. Day school tuition is astronomical around here - and we are in the Midwest! While we toyed with sending our son, the cold reality was that sending 2 kids through day school was so expensive that even scholarships could't ease the pain!
Sounds like your company has some GREAT benefits! I am guessing that your daughter is not the only Jewish kids there - you might consider a chat with her teacher. By us, the percentage of Jewish kids in the pulic school is so high that they suspend hot lunch for Passover
Jack - Rough is a nice way of putting it :)
AMM - With 2 kids I can't imagine that I would have even been able to contemplate the tuition. I don't know how people with 3-4-5 even 6 kids do it. LO is 1 of the 2 Jewish kids in the school which makes it hard for us (especially since the other child is far from observant!)
Well, at least they didn't have BLT's!
Not a cool situation, I agree. But I have a question: how can the school technically be a public school but only accept the children of people who work for your company? A school in Hawaii is in trouble because it was technically claiming to be a public school yet only would accept students if they were of actual native Hawaiian descent. I know it's not quite the same thing but it seems to be in the same vein for me. Private school is private school--if you have selection criteria for the children you accept then you shouldn't be able to call yourself a public school. If you mean that the company pays to run this school and therefore tax dollars are not being used to fund the school, then that's a different story entirely.
Sorry I don't mean to sound rude, I am just a bit confused. Please explain if I am completely off the mark.
Amishav - I'm going to get worried about you and all the BLT talk. Do I need to send the kosher police out there?
Hila - the school is technically a public school because it is run by the county and provides the teachers, so tax dollars are spent on the school. My company (and others that host satellite schools) work with the county to provide the space for the schools. And they also pay for things like maintenance, security, etc. Because of the overcrowding in our schools, taxpayer dollars are actually saved when companies build satellite schools since the companies carries all the monetary burden of building of the schools as opposed to the county/taxpayers.
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