Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I think it may SNOW!

Ok, I know all of you who live in places like Milwaukee and Toronto are going to laugh but BRRRR! it is cold here today!

This morning when we got up I told LO that it was going to be cooler than usual and that she should dress accordingly. Since it's usually in the 80's or 90's here year round, I wasn't quite sure she understood. So - I told her to go outside to see how cold it was. She opened the front door and in less than a second was back inside shivering. She exclaimed, "It's so cold, I think it may SNOW!"

It may sound crazy but as I walked into work this morning, I certainly noticed that I wasn't the only one wearing a coat.


Jack Steiner said...

It was 80 something the other day here. If I never saw snow again I wouldn't miss it.

torontopearl said...

I've been to Miami during a cold spell. The air conditioning in the buses was still blowing strong, and I felt sorry for all the seniors. Even though it was December, and I'm used to the cold and snow, it was DAMN cold for Miami!

In Jerusalem in late fall, I've seen people wearing ski jackets and with their bare feet in sandals, so what's a little jacket or overcoat in late October in Miami?

Stacey said...

Jack, you are such a wuss.

... Is the Window to Our Soul said...

No, I can totally understand the need for a jacket. Our weather has been going up and down and 60 degrees is very chilly when there is a 20 degree drop in the temperature. Now, snow...that would be a sight to see?

Has it ever snowed in Miami?

outofAMMO said...

you dont have to worry about being hit by a blizzard at every other simcha.