Just found out that LO is going to be the school news anchor. She'll be broadcast over all of the televisions in her school in the morning telling of school news, lunch menus, and the weather. She originally wasn't planning on trying out, but one of her friends was trying out and talked her into trying out as well. It came as quite a surprise when she found out that she was selected.
I can already hear her now..."The weather today will be HOT, humid, and we're all going to schvitz. Today's lunch is ham and cheese sandwiches and that's NOT KOSHER".
Haha that absolutely made my day. Go LO!
This should make for some good stories.
Rock on LO!
That is exciting! And your predictions are hilarious! Can you request that when they do it, they give you a tape of it to keep? That would be fun for you to see years from now!
oh boy i can see it now! too cute!
I agree with Jack: there are going to be great stories associated with this.
LO is going to be hilarious!
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